Rabbit food - Generally people do not get attracted when they hear of "vegetarian food" because they think vegetarians eat food that rabbits would eat - only lettuce and carrots, for example. Well, the human body was not really designed for meat eating.

The physiological comparisons of an animal fit for meat eating, of an herbivore (eats grass, leaves), and the human body show the differences. The meat eater animals have claws, sharp front teeth for tearing, no flat teeth for grinding, no skin pores, perspire through the tongue, have short intestines (so the decaying meat can pass out quickly), stronger stomach acid to digest the meat. The herbivores and humans have no claws, have flat molar teeth for grinding, no sharp front teeth, perspire through skin pores, have much longer intestines, and weaker stomach acid.

Food scarcity in the world - Most of the grain produced is used to feed cows, pigs, lambs and chickens, animals that end up being eaten, making the use of grain to produce meat a very wasteful process. If the land were used primarily to produce vegetarian food, there would be support for an human population of more than 20 billion.

Another problem with the meat-eating is the environment damage. The heavily contaminated waste from thousands of slaughterhouses and feedlots are a major source of pollution of rivers. As stated on About.com:Vegetarian food, for each hamburger from animals raised on rainforest, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.

According to the United Nations report Livestock's Long Shadow, it is suggested that the livestock industry should be "a major policy focus when dealing with problems of land degradation, climate change and air pollution, water shortage and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity." Read more about it on the Links section.