Cows are referred to as the foster mothers of the human race because they produce most of the milk that people drink. In India, cows are considered to be our mothers. The bulls are considered our fathers, because they work in the field to give us grains. Cows can live 25 to 30 years. They can sense an impending storm by the lowering pressure before a storm and will lie down. Dairy cows provide 90% of the world's milk supply. The best cows give over 25 gallons of milk each day. That's 400 glasses of milk!

Lobsters undergo migrations in the sea. They line up single file to march offshore into deeper water across the ocean floor in long queues or lines, apparently in response to the onset of summer and fall storms. Deep waters are warmer than shoal waters in winter. By moving into deep water, egg-bearing females promote the development of their eggs because maturation occurs faster in warmer water. They then move back into shalow waters where the eggs hatch.

Chickens come in an infinite variety of colors and patterns. A chicken can travel 9 miles an hour. This is usually a combined effort of running, jumping and flying. When there is no rooster in a flock of hens, one hen will take over the role as best as she can. She will begin to crow and stop laying eggs. In Ancient Rome someone who said to you “You were raised by a hen”, was giving you a compliment. The expression “Mother hen”, also implies that a chicken makes a great mother.

The tuna can jump in the water because it has very strong muscles. Some of the larger tuna species such as the bluefin tuna can raise their blood temperature above the water temperature with muscular activity. This enables them to live in cooler waters and survive a wider range of circumstances.

The sheep can live for about 11 years. They are called "lambs" when they are less than 1 year of age. The male sheep is called a "ram" or a "buck". The Navajo Churro is the oldest breed of sheep in the US. One year's growth of fleece is about 8 pounds of wool. Man learned how to spin wool in 3,500 BC. If you ever see a sheep on its back, please help. It needs a hand to get up, or it can die on that position.