Goats are intelligent, inquisitive and very playful! One of their favorite games is King of the Mountain (or King of the Plank). A female goat usually has 2 kids a year. Most births occur in the spring after a 5 month gestation period. Baby goats are referred to as kids. Also, goats have only two teats (cows have 4). Goats don't have any upper front teeth!

Pigs are mammals and are warm bloodied like all other mammals. They have the same digestive system as rabbits and humans. The pig’s foot has 4 toes. Pigs can’t sweat like other mammals so they swallow mud to keep cool. Pigs can be domesticated and they grow very smart with humans. Pigs can live up to 15 years, they have good eyesight, sense of smell and hearing.

The red piece of skin that hangs from a turkeys neck is called wattle. Turkeys cannot see well at night, and sometimes sleep up in trees. Domestic turkeys have all white feathers and cannot fly. Like ducks, a male turkey is brightly colored with more distinct feathers than a female. Male turkeys spread out their tail feathers like a fan (or peacock) and make the “gobble gobble” noise to attract females when they want to mate.

Crabs are also called decapods, which means 10 legs.If a crab loses its claw, the claw grows back. The crab's teeth are in their stomachs. Blue crabs love to lie in mud. When a predator comes they can camouflage themselves in it to escape! The blue crab’s shedding process is repeated up to 25 times during a crab’s lifetime. Male crabs with one large claw use this to attract females. This claw is not used for defense or to attack, but to lure the females for mating purposes.

A shrimp's head is 50% of its body! A shrimp's heart is in its head! Shrimp differ from their close relatives, the lobsters and crabs, in that they are primarily swimmers rather than crawlers. 10 is the number of legs on an average shrimp. Some shrimps can live as long as 6-1/2 years.

Turtles have been on the earth for more than 200 million years. They evolved before mammals, birds, crocodiles, snakes, and even lizards. Several species of turtles can live to be over a hundred years of age including the American Box Turtle. The shell of a turtle is made up of 60 different bones all connected together. Turtles have good eyesight and an excellent sense of smell. Hearing and sense of touch are both good and even the shell contains nerve endings. Turtles are one of the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles and have outlived many other species. One can only wonder if their unique shell is responsible for their longevity.